
Project 5: Final Presentation

Project Brief: 
This project is a redesigning of a Thai snack called Golden Flute Wafers. Usually, Asian snack boxes are known to be cute and interactive. The shapes tend to be interesting and go beyond the generic solid four-sided box. This box, however seemed so bland as compared to the rest. I feel the packaging did not do the product justice as it did not advertise what it was selling in a comprehensive and appealing manner. The mascot was vaguely representative of a boy, and he swung on a random rope. In my design, I kept the focus on the box on the boy, but redesigned him in a more traditional “kawaii”, or “cute”,  style.

The product is reminiscent of a take-out box that we associate with Asian food. The shape is interactive and has a Velcro flap at the top. The original package does not provide the ability to save its product for later consumption. I like it when boxes allow you to do that, so with the combination of the flap and Velcro, you can carry your wafers around and save them for later. The handle at the top also allows you to transport your snack with ease. If you have your hands full, but a few fingers available, you can hook your finger through the handle and carry it with you.

The original box was made in a way where it was hard to read the product company and name. I took the distracting wafers down by scale and moved them towards the bottom of the box in a way that it can be read as the background, and left enough breathing room for the font to be read. I thought it was vital to keep both the Thai and English labels for the box, and so I redesigned them in a more subtle and appealing way with different fonts for the different languages.

The color scheme was also changed. Originally, the box is bright green with yellow and brown accents. Thailand’s flag colors are blue, white, and red. With this thought in mind, I changed the scheme to have a dominant blue color with accents of red and white, as well as yellow, black, and brown. Another factor that influenced my color choice was the association of blue, white, and brown to the flavor of coconut. I looked through other packages that have coconut flavored items (Almond Joy, Mounds, Oikos), and followed the pattern.

Project Board:

Project in 3D: 


Project 5: Prototype

Gonna head off to the digital aquarium and see if they can print this full size!

Also might buy some velcro. To keep the lid down.


Project 5: WIP Progress

Progress of the package. It's a little hard to align the text and images properly since the box tapers. I'm probably going to do a few test runs before going to the lab or digital aquarium. 

I have a few sheets of bristol board with 100 pound weight that I think I'm going to print on. 


Project 5: WIP

I still have a while to go, but I'm liking where it's going! The shape is interactive, much like the Asian snack boxes are, and the mascot is so much cuter [in my opinion]. Much better to the eye.

Back to work!


Project 5: Sketches

I've been trying to draw different versions and poses of the Golden Time mascot. The original pose on the left seems so awkward both on the box and drawn, that I decided to change it. I also think I like the face of the standing mascot.

This is what I have so far as the design for the new package. I'm going to work on it later today and see how the layout will accept the designs.

I'm not sure what fonts I'm going to be using but I do know I have to trace the Taiwanese characters in Illustrator.

Now, I feel like I'm getting somewhere!


Project 5: Boxes Continued

The good news is I found an alternative template and it works! The annoying news is I can't figure out how to fold or glue the bottom, so I'm going to have to experiment.

Now I need to blow this up on bigger paper and try to make a bigger version! 

Next up, WIPs of the design.

Project 5: Boxes

So, the impossible box tutorial is a flop. It works fine if you want the box to be in a cube, as such:

But when I changed the measurements to be the size of the original box, it just wouldn't fold. I had a feeling it wouldn't, but I wanted to make sure. This was the result:

Back to the drawing board. I have another template I found that I'm going to try. If it doesn't work either, then I just might change the packaging to be in the shape of a cube.


Project 5: Update

I am so sorry! I thought this Thanksgiving break would be great for me to tackle this project, but then I had other assignments that were due sooner, so I put them ahead on the priority list and finished them first!

This last week is going to be overwhelming, but now that I've got some of the due dates out of the way, I AM PREPARED!!!!

I was doing a mock up of the impossible box last time, and it worked in a perfect cube fashion. Right now, I'm trying to see if it will work as a rectangle. If it doesn't, I think I'm just going to make the package a cube then. I've seen snacks sold in cubes! I have one in my room right now, so I think it will be appropriate. 

Tomorrow I am going to do sketches of the mascot, because, boy does he need to be changed. Hopefully I'll pull up a WIP tomorrow.

Until then!