
Project 2: Progress

This week has been kind of an unlucky one in the progress department. Aside from normal school and exams, my back complications decided to reemerge, so I've mostly been on the floor if I'm not in class. 

Because I've had such a painful week [and an exploding computer], I haven't gotten much done, or not to the way I liked in the ads. I also kept running into the problem where the internet images were too small to properly render.

However, after Thursday's mid-point critique, I got some good ideas on how to present the ads. I'm going to keep to an obviously collaged advertisement with a simultaneous feeling of punk and grit and boldness. I think the common theme that will be in my ads will be the thick outlines of colour around certain aspects of the ad. 

I'm still having difficulty in placing the way the tag line and logo into the ads in a cohesive way. 

Currently, this is what I've got. I don't feel like they're done, but it's gone a lot further and I'm starting to finally be pleased with the results.

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